Our Story

Setting New Standards in Canine Comfort

Overcoming the Heat

Our journey with TemPur-Paws began with Atlas, my wooly Siberian Husky. Originally bred for colder climates, Atlas found the Texas heat challenging, his thick fur more a burden than a blessing.

To cool down, he often chose the hard bathroom tile over his bed. This highlighted the ineffectiveness of standard cooling beds and raised my concerns about his long-term joint health and comfort. Determined to find a solution, I dedicated two years to creating the perfect bed for Atlas.

This quest was about more than comfort; it was about ensuring his health and happiness. I combined the luxury of the best dog beds with innovative water cooling and heating technology, adapting it to provide optimal temperature control for any season.

Turning Comfort Into Reality

The transformation in Atlas was evident and heartwarming. He quickly took to his new bed, leaving behind the discomfort of the floor.

This change didn’t go unnoticed. Friends and family began requesting similar beds for their pets. Their enthusiasm and the clear difference it made for Atlas led to the creation of TemPur-Paws. Hand-assembled and rigorously tested by Atlas and me in the U.S., we ensure each bed meets the highest standards of comfort and quality, bringing the same joy to dogs everywhere.

A Story of Love and Innovation

TemPur-Paws isn't just a product; it's a testament to the bond between a dog and his human. It's a story of love, innovation, and the desire to provide the best for our furry family members.

We invite you to experience the comfort and joy that TemPur-Paws has brought to Atlas and countless other dogs. Welcome to our story; welcome to a new standard of comfort for your pet.